How to Become an Oncology Nurse

学位可以打开通往各种机会和不同职业道路的大门. CTU提供的巴黎人澳门赌场在哪不一定会导致特色职业. 本系列文章旨在帮助您了解和指导您确定哪些级别的学位和类型的认证与您期望的职业道路相一致.

To become an Oncology Nurse, 护理学副学士或护理学学士(BSN). It's also required to become licensed. This can be done by passing the NCLEX exam.

There are many different types of 护理 careers available, and the U.S. 美国劳工统计局(BLS)预计,到2024年,注册护士(RNs)的就业前景将增长16%.1 据估计,一个特殊的护理队伍正在上升的是肿瘤学. 美国国家癌症研究所预测,美国癌症患者的数量将会增加.S. will increase from 38 million in 2005 to 57 million in 2020. 由于患者数量的增加和癌症治疗的日益复杂, the demand for cancer services is also likely to increase dramatically.2

Before diving into the field of cancer care or oncology 护理, 然而, 回顾一下这个职业所需的技能和教育可能会有好处.

Skills and Characteristics

肿瘤科护士, as with most other medical specialties, 既要对这个领域本身有浓厚的兴趣,又要关心他人. These nurses must be kind and genuine individuals. 同样重要的是,肿瘤护士要有韧性,因为有些日子可能会压倒一切, 另外, others that may be gratifying. 肿瘤科护士也应该培养一种健康的观点,不要因为看到病人的痛苦而心硬. 肿瘤护理的一些挑战是保持客观和平衡每个病人的情感和身体需求, no matter how demanding a day may become.3


To begin the path of becoming an oncology nurse, 学生必须首先通过认可的文凭获得护理执照, 副学士学位或 本科 of Science in 护理 巴黎人澳门赌场在哪. After obtaining a 护理 degree, 学生必须通过国家委员会执照考试(NCLEX),可以追求职业生涯作为注册护士(RN)。. A licensed RN can apply to work toward a specialty area, 比如肿瘤学, and gain experience in a hospital or other treatment facility.4

Certifications and Licenses

希望专攻肿瘤学的注册护士可能需要获得额外的认证,以成为肿瘤学认证护士(OCN)或高级肿瘤学认证临床护士专家(AOCNS)。. 这两种认证都是由肿瘤护理认证公司(ONCC)提供的。. ONCC还为肿瘤科护士提供其他专业认证,包括:5

  • 血 & Marrow Transplant Certified Nurse (BMTCN)
  • Certified Breast Care Nurse (CBCN)
  • Certified Pediatric Hematology Oncology Nurse (CPHON)

ONCC颁发的各种认证对教育和经验有自己的特殊要求. 例如, 成为OCN, a minimum of 12 months of RN experience and at least 1,在申请参加认证考试的30个月内,必须有000小时的成人肿瘤护理实践经验. 候选人还必须在申请前的36个月内至少有10小时的肿瘤学继续护理教育或肿瘤学学术选修.5 In order to maintain an ONCC certification, nurses need to renew their certification every four years.6

Job Market for Oncology Nurses

与所有护理职业一样,就业市场预测表明,到2024年,该职业预计将有所增长.1 肿瘤科护士, 特别是, 随着婴儿潮一代的年龄增长,以及癌症发病率随着年龄增长呈指数增长,这些药物的需求量会增加吗.7

What to Expect on a Daily Basis

肿瘤护理的发展领域有许多个人可以工作的环境, 包括医院, outpatient care facilities, 医生的办公室, long-term care facilities and home health agencies. While specific daily tasks may vary depending on where someone works, the main duties of oncology nurses include the following:7

  • Creating a treatment plan with physicians
  • 保存详细的健康记录,以确保记录准确的历史
  • Tracking all lab work, imaging and pathology
  • 帮助患者了解他们的诊断、治疗方案和潜在的副作用
  • 回答问题,简化医学术语,帮助患者了解自己的情况
  • Assessing the emotional and physical state of patients
  • Administering chemotherapy treatment and any other medication
  • 帮助患者控制治疗期间出现的任何症状
  • 代表病人与医生沟通,解决任何问题
  • Providing counseling for cancer prevention
  • Offer families support and education

Since oncology 护理 is considered extremely demanding on a person, physical or emotional burnout can happen. In order to take care of others properly, self-maintenance must be an additional priority for oncology nurses. 照顾癌症患者在身体上、精神上和情感上都很费力8 but may still make for a personally rewarding career.


科罗拉多技术大学提供学士巴黎人澳门赌场在哪,旨在建立在之前的护理教育, certification and experience. 科罗拉多理工大学的护理学学士(BSN)学位获得大学护理教育委员会( Learn more about CTU’s 护理 degrees.

1. “注册护士.” Retrieved from: http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/healthcare/registered-nurses.htm(参观7/3/17).
2. “Supply and Demand in the Oncology Workforce.” Retrieved from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.国家卫生研究院.gov/books/NBK215252/ (Visited 10/6/17).
3. “Caring for Cancer Patients: A Nurse’s Perspective.” Retrieved from: http://www.cancercenter.(访问7/3/17).
4. “How to Become a Registered Nurse.” Retrieved from: http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/healthcare/registered-nurses.htm#tab-4 (Visited 7/3/17).
5. “Oncology Certified Nurse.” Retrieved from: (Visited 7/3/17).
6. “肿瘤学注册护士:申请认证”检索自:http://www.oncc.http://www.certifications/oncology -certified- nurs-ocn #28546-tab(访问7/3/17).
7. “Cancer in the Elderly.” Retrieved from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.国家卫生研究院.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1500929/ (Visited 7/3/17).
8. “The Role of the Oncology Nurse.” Retrieved from: http://www.cancercenter.(访问:7/3/17).

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