
A degree may open the door to a variety of opportunities and diverse career paths. The degree programs offered at CTU will not necessarily lead to the featured careers. This collection of articles is intended to help inform and guide you through the process of determining which level of degree and types of certifications align with your desired career path.

执业护士(lpn)为患者提供基本的护理 护理 在注册护士和医生的监督下. LPNs typically perform basic nursing duties such checking a patient’s blood pressure or changing bandages.1 当他们考虑这种类型的护理职业, 潜在的lpn应该了解所需的教育和执照, 以及与这个职业相关的技能和个人素质.


A licensed practical nurse must have strong clinical skills in order to assist physicians and nurses. These include the ability to monitor patient vital signs and perform nursing functions such as inserting catheters, 给病人洗澡或穿衣. LPNs may also reinforce teaching done by RNs regarding how family members should care for a relative, 因此,了解临床术语和技术是很重要的.2

另外, LPNs may want to exhibit a range of personal characteristics that may enable them to carry out their clinical duties effectively. Good focus and attention to details can help LPNs give patients the correct care at the right time. First-rate listening and speaking skills will likely be necessary to communicate effectively with patients, 家庭, 护士和医生. LPNs should also demonstrate patience and compassion for the patients they treat. 处理生病或受伤的人可能会有压力, so patience can help LPNs cope with stress that stems from providing care.2


Licensed practical nurses must complete a state-approved educational program, typically requiring one year of study at a community or technical college. Coursework includes nursing and related topics such as biology and pharmacology. An LPN’s educational training also includes supervised clinical experience.2

Completion of a state-approved educational program makes a licensed practical nursing student eligible to receive his or her certificate or diploma. 收到此认证后, a nursing candidate must also pass the National Council Licensure Examination - Practical Nurse (NCLEX-PN) in order to become a practicing LPN.2


LPNs may choose to become certified through professional organizations in areas including gerontology and intravenous (IV) therapy. Certifications can show that a licensed practical nurse has an advanced knowledge of a specific specialty area.2 继续教育可能是注册护士的要求, including participating in credit-approved courses by appropriate organizations such as the National Association of Licensed Practical Nurses (NALPN).3


The job outlook for licensed practical nurses is positive, according to U.S. 劳工统计局(BLS)的预测. 到2024年, 劳工统计局预测lpn的就业前景增长率为16%, 与117年,在此期间新增了300个工作岗位. This is compared to 16% for health technologists and technicians and 7% for all other professions.4 lpn就业水平最高的州包括德克萨斯州, 加州, 纽约, 佛罗里达州和俄亥俄州.5

There are a number of factors that may play into the increased demand for LPNs including health insurance reform, 婴儿潮一代人口老龄化, 以及糖尿病和肥胖症等慢性疾病的患病率. 另外, use of nontraditional health care settings and federal health insurance reform may aid in the increase.4

在日益增长的就业市场, it may be important to recognize that employers advertise for LPNs under a range of titles that can include Clinic Licensed Practical Nurse, 护士长, 办公室的护士, 私人值班护士及持牌职业护士.6


有执照的护士可以在各种环境中工作, 包括医院, 医生的实践, 养老院, 诊所, 家庭保健和政府.5, 7 LPNs usually work full-time and sometimes at night, on weekends and over holidays. 也, LPN轮班可能超过8小时, 他们可能在大部分时间都是站着的, 处理可能需要移动或举起病人的工作.7

注册护士在注册护士或医生的监督下工作. Their duties can include clerical work such as charting in records and reporting patient statuses to RNs and physicians. 他们的临床职责包括评估病人, 提供基本的病人护理, 检查病人生命体征, 更换伤口敷料, and discussing the care they are providing with patients and listening to their concerns.1

Licensed practical nurses may be limited to doing certain tasks depending on where they reside. 例如, 在一些州, an LPN with proper training can administer medication or initiate intravenous (IV) access, 而在其他国家,lpn可能没有被授权执行这些任务. 另外, 在一些州, experienced licensed practical nurses may oversee and direct other LPNs and unlicensed medical staff.1

总之, 作为一名有执照的实习护士的职业生涯是令人满意的, and LPNs may enjoy their career possibilities or use the accrued nursing experience to help expand their job focus and become a registered nurse down the road.


科罗拉多理工大学 (CTU) offers an RN-to-BSN program designed to make the most out of a student’s prior nursing education, 认证和经验. The 本科 of Science in 护理 degree program at 科罗拉多理工大学 is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate 护理 Education (http://www.ccneaccreditation.org). 了解更多有关CTU的BSN巴黎人澳门赌场在哪.

1. 《巴黎人澳门赌场在哪》.摘自:http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov /哦/医疗/ licensed-practical-and-licensed-vocational-nurses.htm#tab-2(参观日期:8/21/17).
2. 《巴黎人澳门赌场在哪》.摘自:http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov /哦/医疗/ licensed-practical-and-licensed-vocational-nurses.htm#tab-4(参观日期:8/21/17).
3. 《巴黎人澳门赌场在哪》.摘自:http://nalpn.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/NALPN-Practice-Standards.pdf(访问日期:8/21/17).
4. “持牌实用护士和持牌职业护士:工作前景”.摘自:http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov /哦/医疗/ licensed-practical-and-licensed-vocational-nurses.htm#tab-6(参观日期:8/21/17).
5. 《巴黎人澳门赌场在哪》, 2016年5月:29-2061持牌实用护士和持牌职业护士.摘自:http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov /标准/经常/ oes292061.htm#st(参观8/21/17).
6. “29-2061年的摘要报告.00 -持牌实用护士和持牌职业护士.摘自:http://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/29 - 2061.00(8/21/17参观).
7. 《巴黎人澳门赌场在哪》.摘自:http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov /哦/医疗/ licensed-practical-and-licensed-vocational-nurses.htm#tab-3(参观日期:8/21/17).

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