How to Become an ER Nurse

学位可以打开通往各种机会和不同职业道路的大门. CTU提供的巴黎人澳门赌场在哪不一定会导致特色职业. 本系列文章旨在帮助您了解和指导您确定哪些级别的学位和类型的认证与您期望的职业道路相一致.

To become an ER Nurse, 需要护理学副学士学位(ADN)或护理学学士学位(BSN). It's also required to become licensed. This can be done by passing the NCLEX-RN exam.

急诊室(ER)护士有特权在人们最危急的时刻改变他们的生活. 通过服务所有年龄和背景的个人,满足不同的护理需求, ER nurses generally engage in highly varied work. Before considering how to leverage a 护理学位 for a career in emergency medicine, 了解如何在这个职业中脱颖而出是很重要的.


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Skills and Characteristics

在急诊室执行护理职责可能并不适合每个人. 紧急情况通常包括快速评估和治疗,分秒必争. 急诊护士必须能够在急性疾病或创伤的初始阶段迅速治疗患者.1 In addition to a core nursing capability, there are many personal qualities that emergency nurses share, such as being extroverted, agreeable and open. 这些特质有助于管理压力,并在繁忙快节奏的环境中取得成功.2 Other characteristics include:

  • Ability to shift gears and accelerate your pace as needed
  • Good observation, assessment and prioritization skills
  • Multitasking abilities
  • Aptitude to think fast and on your feet
  • Good interpersonal and customer service skills
  • 高耐力
  • Good personal coping skills
  • Assertive patient advocate
  • Ability to maintain calm amidst chaos3

如果你觉得自己有足够的精力和风度去照顾处于危急情况下的病人, 成为急救护士的第一步是获得必要的教育.

Required Education

成为一名注册护士(RN),开始专攻急救护理, either an associate's degree in nursing (ASN) or a Bachelor of Science in 护理 (BSN). A BSN typically warrants four years of study.4 After graduating and passing the appropriate certifications, 新护士可能会在有正式实习机会的机构找到一份急诊护理工作,或者为想进入该专业的非急诊护士提供入职培训.

Certifications and Licenses

After earning a degree, 未来护士的下一步是通过全国委员会执照考试(NCLEX)获得执照。.4 Upon passing the exam, 希望专攻急诊室护理的注册护士应该在该领域有一些经验. 建议护士在寻求注册急诊护士(CEN)认证之前至少积累两年的急诊护理经验.5 Several specialized ER nursing certifications are also offered, including flight (CFRN), 儿科急诊(CPEN)和重症监护地面运输(CTRN).6

在成为CEN后,护士通常必须在整个职业生涯中继续接受教育. 紧急护理的技术和最佳做法定期更新,以便为患者提供尽可能最好的护理. 此外,ccn必须在通过最初的考试后每四年重新获得资格. 重新认证可以通过在线测试或合格的继续教育时间获得.5

Job Market for ER Nurses

灵活的工作时间和在多个紧急就业领域工作的选择可能是从事急诊或急诊室护理工作的额外好处. 例如,急诊护士可以在以下环境中找到工作:

  • Residential camps or educational institutions
  • 游轮
  • Correctional facilities
  • Government/state EMS offices/boards of nursing
  • 军事
  • Re搜索 institutions
  • Poison control centers
  • Hospital transport
  • Urgent care centers
  • 创伤的单位
  • Traditional emergency rooms1, 7

Emergency nurses can also work as educators, 告知公众,促进健康,以及如何预防伤害. 他们也可以作为管理者担任领导和研究角色, managers and re搜索ers working to improve emergency health care.1

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were over 2.75 million RN jobs in the U.S. 仅2014年一年. 到2024年,护理职业预计将增长16%,远高于平均水平.8

What to Expect on a Day-to-Day Basis

急救护士可能会面临各种各样的轮班,节奏可能在几分钟内从缓慢到超速波动. ER nurses treat a wide range of patients each shift, ranging from infants to the elderly, while stabilizing traumatic injuries, uncovering medical conditions or treating sudden serious illnesses. 高压力和多样性会使急诊室护士的工作既刺激又繁重, 急诊护士通常需要在轮班期间保持高水平的耐力.1, 3

评估和治疗是急诊室护士在病人进入紧急护理时可以期望履行的两项特殊职责.1 其他技能,如治疗简单的撕裂伤,处理分娩或急性创伤,也是急诊护士可能面临的情况.7 各种各样的职责和高压的环境可能会使急救护士成为一名挑战, 然而, it can be a personally rewarding career.

Pursue an RN-BSN 在线

Bachelor of Science in 护理 科罗拉多理工大学的巴黎人澳门赌场在哪是由大学护理教育委员会( 它旨在帮助学生学习在各种环境中照顾病人的复杂需求,并帮助他们成为护理专业的领导者.

1.“紧急护士." Retrieved from: (Visited 6/28/17).
2. 海斯,布鲁克斯. "Study Explains Why ER Nurses Do What 的y Do." Retrieved from: http://www.upi.http://www.science_news/2014/08/21/study-explains-why - er - nurss-do -what-they-do/ 7731408627126/2017访问.
3. "Why Emergency 护理?" Retrieved from: (Visited 6/28/17).
4. “How to Become a Registered Nurse.” Retrieved from: http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/healthcare/registered-nurses.htm#tab-4 (Visited 7/19/17).
5. "Get Certified – CEN.” Retrieved from: (Visited 6/28/17).
6. “About Certifications.” Retrieved from: (Visited 7/19/17).
7. 卡尔森,基思. “Emergency 护理: Interview with Katie Rose McGauhey, RN, BSN.” Retrieved from: http://www.workingnurse.http://www.articles/emergencynurs-interview-with-katie-rose - mcgauhey-rnbsn(访问6/28/2017).
8. "Registered Nurses: Summary." Retrieved from: http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/healthcare/registered-nurses.htm (Visited 6/28/17).

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